The Business Implications of Sustainability Trends in the Asia Pacific
The Business Implications of Sustainability Trends in the Asia Pacific
A joint event by Albright Stonebridge Group and the US-ASEAN Business Council
Sustainability is increasingly driving business decisions. Organizations must address the dual imperatives of adhering to local and international sustainability standards while also catering to the growing eco-consciousness of their consumers and investors. From changes in mandatory reporting requirements and debate over developing carbon markets to evolving sustainability driven trade policy agendas, what growing trends in climate sustainability across the Asia Pacific do organizations need to consider for their operations? Moreover, what sustainability policies are the United States and leading Asian economies advocating, and how might this impact the business environment in the Asia-Pacific? Join Albright Stonebridge Group’s Washington-Based Managing Partner Dan Rosenthal and ASG Senior Advisor Danielle Yeow to discuss these pressing issues, moderated by U.S.-ASEAN Business Council Regional Managing Director Amb. Brian D. McFeeters. Light refreshments will be served.